
How do emotions affect the teaching and learning process of a pupil?
,,Children and teenagers are not the future; they are the present."
,,Deti a tínedžeri nie sú budúcnosť, sú prítomnosť."
Emotions are integral to the human experience, shaping our perceptions, behaviours, and interactions in profound ways. In the digital age, the landscape of education has undergone a serious transformation with distance teaching and learning. Emotions have always been inseparable from the educational experience, influencing engagement, motivation, and academic outcomes. However, in the realm of distance learning, where interactions unfold through screens rather than face-to-face encounters, the dynamics of emotional engagement take on a unique dimension. Understanding how emotions affect the distance teaching and learning process is paramount for educators seeking to create inclusive, supportive, and effective virtual learning environments.
We would like to share our own findings with learners who have undergone distance learning, their perceptions of distance education, the challenges they had to face, their levels of motivation and overall views, feelings, and routine.
Emócie sú neoddeliteľnou súčasťou ľudskej skúsenosti a hlboko formujú naše vnímanie, správanie a interakcie. V digitálnom veku prešla oblasť vzdelávania vážnou transformáciou s diaľkovým vyučovaním a vzdelávaním. Emócie boli vždy neoddeliteľné od vzdelávacej skúsenosti, ovplyvňovali angažovanosť, motiváciu a akademické výsledky. Avšak, v oblasti dištančného vzdelávania, kde sa interakcie odohrávajú skôr prostredníctvom obrazoviek, než osobných stretnutí, nadobúda dynamika emocionálneho zapojenia jedinečný rozmer. Pochopenie toho, ako emócie ovplyvňujú proces diaľkového vyučovania a učenia, je prvoradé pre pedagógov, ktorí sa snažia vytvoriť inkluzívne, podporné a efektívne virtuálne vzdelávacie prostredie.
Radi by sme sa podelili o naše vlastné zistenia so študentmi, ktorí prešli dištančným vzdelávaním, o ich vnímaní dištančného vzdelávania, o výzvach, ktorým museli čeliť, o ich úrovni motivácie a celkových názoroch, pocitoch a rutine.


,,How did you feel the first time after schools switched to online classes?"
"It was good. We were fine with it."
"It was the best because I've gotten much more sleep."
"Well, it was good because we didn't have to go to school."
"It was great. We were excited that we have two weeks off and we will learn on computers, so we were really happy."
,,Ako ste sa cítili prvýkrát, keď školy prešli na online hodiny?" "Bolo to dobré. Boli sme s tým v pohode." "Bolo to úžasné, pretože som sa oveľa viac vyspal." "No, bolo to dobré, pretože sme nemuseli ísť do školy." "Dobre." "Bolo to skvelé. Boli sme nadšení, že máme dva týždne voľno a budeme sa učiť na počítačoch, takže sme boli naozaj šťastní."
what happened after those two weeks off? Didn't you miss the school then?"
"We missed our classmates more than the school."
"I was really into my feelings, sort of like an isolation feeling. But I didn't miss school itself."
"Not at all."
"I wasn't enjoying it anymore."
"I didn't like it."
,,A ako ste sa cítili po dvoch týždňoch voľna? Nechýbala vám potom škola?" "Viac nám chýbali spolužiaci ako škola." "Bol som zahĺbený sám do seba, cítil som niečo ako pocit izolácie alebo ponorky. Ale samotná škola mi nechýbala." "Vôbec nie." "Už ma to nebavilo." "Nepáčilo sa mi to."


,,When online teaching started, what things were the most difficult for you to master?"
"Essentially, learning in general, the fact that you have to learn by yourself and that the teacher does not explain it to you more than once. With some teachers, it was like that, they explained the subject matter once, and if you don't understand it the first time, you're out of luck."
"Some of the teachers didn't know how to work with computers and that was causing the problem."
"To concentrate."
"Lack of resources through which I could join classes. For example, someone would use a different platform, something didn't work for the others, the system crashed and so on."
"Internet connection, for sure."
,,Aké veci boli pre vás najťažšie zvládnuť po prechode na online vyučovanie?" "V podstate – učenie všeobecne, to, že sa musím učiť sám a že učiteľ mi to viackrát nevysvetlí. U niektorých učiteľov to bolo tak, že učivo vysvetlili raz, a ak to na prvýkrát nepochopíš, máš smolu." "Niektorí učitelia nevedeli pracovať s počítačmi a to spôsobovalo problém." "Sústrediť sa." "Nedostatok platforiem, cez ktoré by som sa mohla pripájať do online tried. Niekto napríklad používal inú digitálnu platformu, ostatným zase niečo iné nefungovalo, systém spadol a podobne." "Pripojenie k internetu, určite."
..What did you like the most about online classes?"
"The fact that I could do anything during online classes. I had such freedom."
"I could play games while we studied."
"The fact that we're home."
"For example, I had more time for myself."
"Such comfort."
"At that time, we really had freedom. About 10 minutes before the class started, I got up and joined online from the bed. We had a lot of free time for ourselves."
"Also, the communication with classmates. We've created our own group chat, which we still use and chat there every day."
..Čo sa vám najviac páčilo na online vzdelávaní?" "To. že som mohol robiť čokoľvek počas online hodín. Mal som takú slobodu." "Mohol som hrať hry, kým sme sa učili." "Skutočnosť, že sme doma." "Napríklad, mal som viac času pre seba." "Taká pohoda." "V tom čase sme mali naozaj slobodu. Asi 10 minút pred začiatkom hodiny som vstal a pripojil sa online z postele. Mali sme veľa voľného času pre seba." "Aj komunikácia so spolužiakmi. Vytvorili sme si vlastný skupinový chat, ktorý dodnes používame a píšeme tam každý deň."
,,Did you manage to stay motivated during online classes? Did you feel like learning?"
"No. I wasn't motivated at all."
"I think the motivation was worse than in the classroom."
"I think it was better. It was more convenient for me to study."
"It was so boring with the online classes."
"For example, I didn't even want to stay motivated, I wasn't even motivated to get dressed and somehow prepare for the lesson."
"No. Not at all."
"I learned how to study during the COVID-19 pandemic and online classes. I had to learn a lot on my own."
"It's not that I couldn't stay motivated or learn, I literally didn't want to. The fact that was still in the back of my head was, that they [the teachers] can't see me and can't control me or what I'm doing, so I didn't have any motivation to actually do something productive."
,,Darilo sa vám udržať si motiváciu počas online hodín? Mali ste chuť sa učiť?" "Nie. Vôbec som nebol motivovaný." "Myslím, že motivácia bola horšia, ako keď sedím v triede." "Ja si myslim, že to bolo lepšie. Bolo pre mňa pohodlnejšie študovať." "Na online hodinách to bola taká nuda." "Asi som ani nechcel byť motivovaný, nebol som motivovaný ani obliecť sa a nejako sa pripraviť na hodinu." "Nie, vôbec nie." "Naučil som sa učiť počas pandémie COVID-19 a online vyučovania. Musel som sa veľa naučiť sám." "Nie je to tak, že by som nemohol zostať motivovaný alebo sa učiť, doslova som to nechcel. Stále som mal v hlave to, že ma [učitelia] nevidia a nemôžu kontrolovať, nemôžu kontrolovať čo robím, takže som nemal žiadnu motiváciu robiť niečo produktívne."
that classes are back to normal, what type of classes do you prefer - online or
classroom teaching? Why?"
"Definitely classroom teaching."
"The classroom teaching is so much fun."
"I feel like online teaching was much more freeing."
"I feel like combined classes would be an ideal. For example, English would be fun to learn online."
"In the classroom." [unanimous]
"I would also like a combination of online teaching and traditional classroom teaching."
"For me classroom teaching because that's when I can focus more on studying."
"I especially miss the socialization. During the online classes, I have to bring myself to learn something, but here at school, we learn so much together."
" Same for me. I had a lot of trouble socializing after online classes, even after the pandemic ended and we went back to classes, I was much shyer than before."
"Definitely classroom teaching because I'm mostly with people."
"In the classroom, for sure, because now I'm forced to learn when I go to school. However, the online teaching was like 'you come, you listen and you leave'. There was such a lack of pressure."
"In my opinion, online teaching can work well, but the school must be well adapted to it. Our school was not prepared for this at all. Our school was unprepared for this pandemic and had to adapt on the go. But I know there are schools that only teach online and it worked fine there."
..Teraz, keď sa vyučovanie vrátilo do normálu, aký typ vyučovania uprednostňujete – online vyučovanie alebo vyučovanie v triede? Prečo?" "Určite vyučovanie v triede." "Online." "Učenie v triede je také zábavnejšie." "Mám pocit, že online výučba bola oveľa slobodnejšia." "Mám pocit, že kombinované hodiny by boli ideálne. Napríklad, angličtinu by bolo zábavné učiť sa online." "V triede." [jednohlasne] "Tiež by som chcel kombináciu online vyučovania a tradičného vyučovania v triede." "Pre mňa vyučovanie v triede, pretože vtedy sa môžem viac sústrediť na štúdium." "Chýba mi hlavne socializácia. Počas online hodín sa musím prinútiť sa niečo naučiť, ale tu v škole sa toho spolu veľa učíme." "To isté pre mňa. Po online hodinách som mala veľa problémov so socializáciou, dokonca aj keď sa pandémia skončila a vrátili sme sa na hodiny, bola som oveľa viac hanblivá ako predtým." "Určite vyučovanie v triede, pretože som väčšinou s ľuďmi." "V triede určite, pretože teraz som nútený učiť sa, keď idem do školy. Online vyučovanie však bolo také, že 'prídeš, počúvaš a odídeš'. Bol tam taký nedostatok tlaku." "Podľa mňa môže online vyučovanie fungovať dobre, ale škola tomu musí byť dobre prispôsobená. Naša škola na to nebola vôbec pripravená. Naša škola nebola pripravená na túto pandémiu a musela sa prispôsobovať za pochodu. Viem však, že sú školy, ktoré učia iba online a tam to fungovalo dobre."




Finish the sentences! Dokončite vety!
If I were a student during distance learning, my motivation would be affected by ... Ak by som študoval dištančne, mojou motiváciou by bolo ...
If I were a student, my emotions would change depending on ... Ak by som bol študent, moje emócie by sa menili v závislosti od ...
If I were a student in an online environment, I would feel more motivated ... Ak by som študoval dištančne, cítil by som sa viac motivovaný ak ...
If I were a student taking online classes, I would learn better ... Keby som sa učil dištančne, učil by som sa lepšie keby ...
If I were a student learning online, I would feel happier ... Keby som sa učil dištančne, cítil by som sa šťastnejší ak ...
If I were a student attending online classes, I would expect ... Ak by som sa učil dištančne, očakával by som ...
Let´s empathize ... / Vcíť sa ...
Student (Mark): A hard-working and curious student who is struggling to adapt to the challenges of distance learning. He is eager to excel but needs extra support in navigating this new learning environment. Študent (Mark): Pracovitý a zvedavý študent, ktorý sa snaží prispôsobiť výzvam dištančného vzdelávania. Túži vynikať, ale potrebuje ďalšiu podporu pri navigácii v tomto novom vzdelávacom prostredí.
Instructions for Mark: Pokyny pre Marka:
1. Write a paragraph about your thoughts and feelings about distance learning so far. 1. Napíš krátky text o svojich doterajších myšlienkach a pocitoch z dištančného vzdelávania.
2. Reflect on the challenges you've faced and any strategies you've used to overcome them. 2. Zamysli sa nad výzvami, ktorým si čelil, a akýmikoľvek stratégiami, ktoré si použili na ich prekonanie.
3. Identify at least one positive aspect of distance learning that you didn't expect. 3. Identifikuj aspoň jeden pozitívny aspekt dištančného vzdelávania, ktorý si neočakával.


